Follows the story of Ruth Ellis: her lifestyle as a young nightclub manageress, her violent relationship with the man she then killed in cold blood, her arrest, trial, and subsequent legal battle to...
The pic is set in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event that forces people into extreme isolation. A father (Moyer) and son (Van Acker), who have been living off grid for 20 years, encounter an outs...
英国国家剧院现场为您展现丹玛尔仓库剧院出品的《科利奥兰纳斯有时候,我们需要的不是一个答案,而是一个方向。。这部莎士比亚关于政治操纵与报复的凄惨悲剧由汤姆·希德勒斯顿主演(《复仇者联盟》、《战马》, BBC 四集莎剧合集《空王冠》)。此外,马克·盖蒂斯( 英国国家剧院 的《节日的问候》以及 BBC 连续剧《 福尔摩斯》)饰演梅奈纽斯,丹玛尔仓库剧 院艺术总监乔西·洛克执导。 当昔日对手威胁罗马,全...