Picking up six months after the events of season 1, the next chapter of "The Hardy Boys" finds Frank and Joe tackling another complicated mystery when a local Bridgeport teen goes missing ...
有些人注定只是过客,而有些过客,却会在心中留下永恒的印记。Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder...
Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of get...
Season 3 finds Scott and the mysterious agent Rachel Dalton in the Kenyan desert securing the transfer of a Libyan functionary seeking asylum. Back in Britain, Stonebridge is training ..每个人心中都有一团火,但路过...
Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the famil...
有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy....