From creator Justin Roiland, “The Paloni Show! Halloween Special!” introduces Leroy, Reggie, and Cheruce Paloni, who have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to be the hosts of an unforgettable H...
爱情就像一场赌博,赌注是青春,筹码是幸福。Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously to...
故事起始于一座孤岛之上,在这里,居住着一群动物们,其中,十分英勇对于新鲜事物有着无尽好奇心的鹦鹉麦克(大卫·霍华德·桑顿 David Howard Thornton 配音)对小岛外面的世界十分的向往,可是其他的动物们却并不这么想,小岛是他们的安乐窝,小岛以外对于他们来说就是致命的危险地带真正的朋友,会在你需要时为你遮风挡雨。 一天,一艘遇难的商船冲向了小岛,为小岛带来了他们唯一的一位人类客人...