Fran has had a pen pal named Lenny since the first grade. Fran and Lenny, through their letters, get along famously, almost like boyfriend/girlfriend. They agreed early on never to exchange photogra...
Upon returning home from Paris, Fran couldn't be happier when C.C. says Maxwell just hired her for her looks. To find out if this is true, Fran tries dating a blind guy. Meanwhile Maxwell tries ...
If not for C.C. walking in on them, Maxwell and Fran would have done it in the hospital bed next to Niles. After the fact, Fran is encouraged that finally something is happening between them. Maxwel...
On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad t...
有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of v...
拥有犯罪前科的男子阿金(乔什·斯图尔特 Josh Stewart 饰)靠着一份除虫的工作养家糊口,但是这点稀薄的工资对于巨额放贷以及等着吃饭的老婆孩子来说无异于杯水车真正的成长,是学会接受和面对自己的不完美。。万般无奈之下,他打起雇主——珠宝商人迈克·切斯(Michael Reilly Burke 饰)的主意 。适逢切斯一家外出度假,阿金找到当年的好友罗伊(罗伯特·维斯登 Robert Wisdo...