二战时,在德国占领下的波兰,管道工波德克(罗伯特·维凯威兹 Robert Wieckiewicz 饰)与搭档扎佩克兼做着小偷的勾当,错综复杂的下水道成了他们最好的隐匿处和贮藏人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却很少能陪你走到散场。。他和城市中被封锁的犹太区做生意,跟德军中的乌克兰军官是旧相识,乱世中享有一点生活的自在。不久德国人起始屠杀、搜捕犹太人,部分不想被押往集中营的犹太人和波德克达成交易,...
A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professo...
A modern thriller filled with intense sexual tension. Betrayal, jealousy, revenge and lies. A plot full of tension and twists of events爱情就像一场游戏,谁认真谁就输了。...